What Does a Soul Look Like?

The concept of the soul’s appearance is often described as a form of light. Dada Bhagwan explains that the soul is in the form of light and knowledge, which is not ordinary light. It is a light that does not require an origin or support. The soul can be compared to the light in a pitch-dark room, where you can see and know everything within the confines of that beam of light. The soul’s light enables us to see and know everything in the universe. It is omnipresent and illuminates not only itself but also every object in existence.

Key Takeaways:

  • The soul is described as a form of light and knowledge.
  • It is compared to the light in a pitch-dark room, illuminating everything within its beam.
  • The soul’s light enables us to see and know everything in the universe.
  • It is omnipresent and illuminates not only itself but also every object in existence.
  • The soul’s appearance is often visualized as a bright aura, made of mist or light, that moves and pulsates.

The Soul’s Essence and Identity

When it comes to understanding the soul, its essence and identity hold immense significance. The soul is our true self, the core of our being that often gets obscured by ignorance. Mistakenly, we associate our true identity with our physical body and the name attached to it. However, in reality, the soul is so much more.

According to Dada Bhagwan, the soul is full of infinite knowledge and vision, but this divine wisdom is often overshadowed by ignorance. Through the process of Self-Realization, one can directly experience the true nature of the soul. This inner journey allows us to shed the layers of ignorance that prevent us from recognizing our soul’s essence and identity. As these barriers dissipate, the radiant light of the soul shines brighter.

Imagine a room that is completely dark, except for a beam of light that pierces through the darkness. In this analogy, the soul’s light is akin to that beam, illuminating not only itself but also every object in existence. The soul’s light is omnipresent, enabling us to see and know everything in the universe.

The Soul’s Essence and Identity

To truly comprehend the soul’s essence and identity, one must embark on a journey of self-discovery and introspection. By recognizing the soul as our true self and dispelling the ignorance that clouds its brilliance, we can bask in the light of our own being.

As we shed the coverings of ignorance and karma, the soul’s radiant light becomes more prominent. Eventually, with all the layers uncovered, the resplendent light of the Absolute Soul illuminates the entire universe.

Embracing our soul’s essence and identity allows us to tap into the infinite knowledge and vision it possesses. It is through this connection with our soul that we can experience true liberation and unfold our highest potential.

soul essence and identity

Key Points
The soul is our true self, often obscured by ignorance.
Through Self-Realization, we can directly experience the soul’s essence and identity.
The soul’s light is omnipresent, illuminating everything in the universe.
Recognizing our soul allows us to tap into infinite knowledge and vision.
Embracing our soul’s essence leads to true liberation and self-actualization.

A Glimpse into the Soul’s Pure Energy

In a deep state of meditation, individuals have reported experiencing glimpses of the soul’s pure energy. These experiences often involve a profound sense of connection with a higher realm and a recognition of the soul’s true nature. Descriptions of these experiences often mention the perception of vibrant colors, such as blue, gold, purple, and green, which outline the form of the soul. The soul is often described as a bright aura, made of mist or light, that moves and pulsates. These encounters with the soul’s energy bring a deep sense of comfort, joy, and a longing to return to this state of pure being.

During these glimpses, the soul’s energy appears to transcend the physical body, revealing its true essence. It is as if the soul is releasing its earthly bonds and reaching out toward the infinite. The colors that accompany these experiences are believed to represent different aspects of the soul’s energy. Blue symbolizes tranquility and peace, while gold represents enlightenment and spiritual growth. Purple embodies wisdom and intuition, while green signifies harmony and balance.

These glimpses into the soul’s pure energy offer a profound understanding of our spiritual nature. They remind us that we are more than just physical beings, but divine souls on a journey of self-discovery. Through meditation and spiritual practices, we can tap into this energy and connect with our true selves. By embracing these experiences, we can nurture our souls and cultivate a greater sense of purpose and fulfillment in life.

soul energy

Color Meaning
Blue Tranquility and peace
Gold Enlightenment and spiritual growth
Purple Wisdom and intuition
Green Harmony and balance

The Composition of the Soul

The soul is a fascinating entity that encompasses various aspects and exists on different levels of reality. According to Kabbalistic teachings, the soul’s composition is intricate and reflects its deep connection to the Divine energy.

At the highest level, known as Azilut, the soul is referred to as Knesset Yisroel, or the Congregation of Israel. In this realm, the soul embodies the collective spiritual potential of all humanity, representing a unified entity that transcends individuality.

As the Divine energy descends further from its source, the soul takes on different forms on the levels of Briah, Yezirah, and Assiyah. In Briah, the soul is known as Neshama, representing the intellectual aspect and capacity for self-awareness. In Yezirah, it is called Ruach, symbolizing the emotional and instinctual part of our being. Finally, in Assiyah, the soul is Nishmat, embodying the physical and practical aspects of existence.

Each level of the soul’s structure serves a unique purpose in the journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery. They allow for the development of individuality, thought, and choice, while maintaining a deep connection to the Divine energy. The soul’s composition is a testament to its profound nature and the vast potential it holds within itself.


What does a soul look like?

The concept of the soul’s appearance is often described as a form of light. The soul is in the form of light and knowledge, which is not ordinary light. It is a light that does not require an origin or support. The soul can be compared to the light in a pitch-dark room, where you can see and know everything within the confines of that beam of light. The soul’s light enables us to see and know everything in the universe. It is omnipresent and illuminates not only itself but also every object in existence.

What is the essence and identity of the soul?

The soul is the real self, but it is often covered with ignorance, which leads to a mistaken belief that the body or the name given to the body is the true self. The soul is full of infinite knowledge and infinite vision, but this knowledge is often obscured by ignorance. Through the process of Self-Realization, one can attain a direct experience of the soul’s essence and identity. When one recognizes their soul, the ignorance over it is lifted, and the direct light of the soul can be experienced. As ignorance and karma are gradually shed, the light of knowledge within the soul becomes more prominent. When all the coverings over the soul are uncovered, the radiant light of the Absolute Soul illuminates the entire universe.

Can we glimpse the pure energy of the soul?

In a deep state of meditation, individuals have reported experiencing glimpses of the soul’s pure energy. These experiences often involve a profound sense of connection with a higher realm and a recognition of the soul’s true nature. Descriptions of these experiences often mention the perception of vibrant colors, such as blue, gold, purple, and green, which outline the form of the soul. The soul is often described as a bright aura, made of mist or light, that moves and pulsates. These encounters with the soul’s energy bring a deep sense of comfort, joy, and a longing to return to this state of pure being.

How is the soul composed?

The soul is a complex entity with various parts. According to Kabbalistic teachings, the soul exists on different levels of reality. The highest level is Azilut, where the soul is known as Knesset Yisroel, the Congregation of Israel. In Azilut, the soul is a composite individual that contains the spiritual potential of all humanity. As the Divine energy separates from its source, the soul takes on different forms on the levels of Briah, Yezirah, and Assiyah. In these levels, the soul is known as Neshama, Ruach, and Nishmat, respectively. Each level represents a different aspect of the soul’s existence and allows for the development of individuality, thought, and choice. The soul’s composition and structure reflect its connection to the Divine energy and its journey through various levels of reality.

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