Why Should Abortion Be Made Illegal Essay

Abortion is a highly debated topic with strong opinions on both sides. Many argue that it should be illegal for several reasons. First, some believe that abortion is ethically wrong and violates the right to life of the unborn fetus. They argue that every human life has inherent value and deserves protection. Second, there are concerns about the potential physical and emotional harm that abortion can cause to women. Some studies suggest that abortion can have long-term negative effects on mental health. Lastly, opponents of legalizing abortion believe that there are alternatives available, such as adoption, that should be pursued instead.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are ethical concerns about abortion and its impact on the right to life of the unborn fetus.
  • Abortion can have potential physical and emotional harm to women.
  • Alternatives to abortion, such as adoption, should be considered.

The Negative Effects of Abortion

Research suggests that abortion can have negative physical and emotional effects on women. Some studies have indicated a potential link between abortion and increased risk of mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Additionally, there may be physical risks associated with the procedure itself, such as infection, damage to the reproductive system, and complications in future pregnancies.

Legal Restrictions on Abortion

In response to concerns about the impact of abortion on society, legal restrictions have been imposed in many countries. These restrictions aim to strike a balance between protecting the rights of the unborn fetus and respecting a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body. Waiting periods require women to wait a specified period of time before having an abortion, allowing for reflection and consideration of alternatives. Parental consent laws ensure that underage girls have the support and guidance of their parents or legal guardians when making a decision about abortion.

“Legalizing abortion sends a message that life is disposable and can be terminated at will.”

The Pro-Life Perspective on Abortion

The pro-life perspective on abortion holds a firm belief in the sanctity of human life, asserting that every fetus has the right to live. Those who advocate for the pro-life stance argue that life begins at conception and that terminating a pregnancy is equivalent to taking the life of an innocent human being. From their perspective, abortion is seen as a violation of human rights, particularly the right to life. Pro-life supporters emphasize the value and dignity of every human life, including the unborn.

Pro-life advocates not only seek to protect the lives of unborn children but also work to provide support and resources for women facing unplanned pregnancies. Their focus is on raising awareness about the humanity of the fetus and promoting alternatives to abortion, such as adoption. Pro-life organizations often offer counseling, financial assistance, and practical help to ensure that women have the necessary support throughout their pregnancy and beyond.

“Every life is valuable, and every child deserves the chance to live and thrive.”

The pro-life perspective also extends to the belief that society as a whole should prioritize fostering a culture of life. This includes advocating for policies, legislations, and education that protect and support the lives of unborn children and pregnant women. Pro-life supporters often engage in public awareness campaigns, lobbying efforts, and debates to raise the visibility of their cause and promote their message of valuing and protecting all human life.

The Impact of Abortion on Women

One of the key concerns of the pro-life perspective is the potential physical and emotional harm that abortion may cause to women. Some studies suggest that abortion can have adverse psychological effects on women, such as increased rates of depression, anxiety, and substance abuse. Pro-life advocates argue that women deserve access to comprehensive information about the potential risks and consequences of abortion so that they can make informed decisions about their reproductive health.

  • Pro-life advocates stress the importance of providing women with alternatives to abortion, such as adoption, and ensuring that they have access to comprehensive support services throughout their pregnancy and beyond.
  • They believe that prioritizing the well-being of women includes addressing the underlying factors that may contribute to unplanned pregnancies, such as lack of access to contraception, education, and support for families.

It is important to note that the pro-life perspective is deeply rooted in personal beliefs and values, and it has significant implications for debates surrounding reproductive rights, women’s autonomy, and the role of government in regulating abortion.

The Pro-Choice Perspective on Abortion

The pro-choice perspective on abortion advocates for a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, including the choice to have an abortion. Pro-choice supporters argue that reproductive rights are fundamental to women’s autonomy and equality, and that access to safe and legal abortion services is essential.

Legal restrictions on abortion can have serious consequences. Pro-choice advocates emphasize that when abortion is made illegal or heavily restricted, it does not stop abortions from happening. Instead, it often leads to dangerous and unsafe procedures that put women’s lives at risk. They believe that the decision to have an abortion should be made by the woman in consultation with her healthcare provider, based on her own unique circumstances.

Comprehensive sex education and access to contraception are also important components of the pro-choice perspective. Pro-choice advocates argue that by providing individuals with knowledge about sexual health and access to contraception, unintended pregnancies can be reduced, thus reducing the need for abortion. They also stress the need for widespread support for women’s reproductive healthcare, ensuring that women have access to the resources and services they need.

Key Points:

  • The pro-choice perspective supports a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, including having an abortion.
  • Legal restrictions on abortion can lead to unsafe procedures and put women’s lives at risk.
  • Comprehensive sex education and access to contraception are important in reducing the need for abortion.
  • Support for women’s reproductive healthcare is crucial in ensuring access to necessary resources and services.

pro-choice perspective on abortion

Examining the Arguments on Both Sides

The abortion debate is a complex and contentious issue, with passionate arguments on both sides. Those against abortion raise ethical considerations regarding the value of life and the potential harm to women. They argue that abortion is a violation of human rights, as it involves the termination of a developing human being. They believe that alternatives such as adoption should be pursued, as every human life has inherent value and deserves protection.

On the other hand, proponents of abortion rights emphasize a woman’s autonomy and reproductive freedom. They argue that women should have the right to make decisions about their own bodies, including the choice to have an abortion. They stress the importance of access to safe and legal abortion services, as restrictions on abortion can lead to dangerous and unsafe procedures. Proponents of abortion rights also advocate for comprehensive sex education, access to contraception, and support for women’s reproductive health care.

“The arguments on both sides of the abortion debate reflect deeply held beliefs, moral values, and differing views on when life begins. It is a complex issue that requires thoughtful consideration of all perspectives.”

It is essential to consider the legal implications in the abortion debate as well. Laws regarding abortion vary widely across countries and jurisdictions. Some countries have strict laws that prohibit or heavily restrict abortion, while others have more liberal laws that prioritize a woman’s right to choose. The legal framework surrounding abortion is influenced by factors such as cultural norms, religious beliefs, and societal values.

In conclusion, the abortion debate is multifaceted, with arguments for and against abortion rooted in ethical considerations, personal beliefs, and legal frameworks. It is a conversation that elicits strong emotions and requires careful deliberation. By examining the arguments on both sides, we can gain a better understanding of the complex nature of the issue and the diverse perspectives that shape the abortion debate.


The abortion debate is a highly controversial and emotionally charged issue that has sparked intense arguments from both sides. Those who advocate for making abortion illegal believe strongly in the sanctity of life and hold ethical concerns about terminating pregnancies. They argue that every human life, including the unborn fetus, deserves protection.

On the other hand, proponents of abortion rights emphasize a woman’s right to choose and make decisions about her own body. They argue that reproductive rights are fundamental to women’s autonomy and equality. Access to safe and legal abortion services is seen as crucial in ensuring women’s health and well-being.

It is important to continue the conversation and explore the various perspectives on abortion. The ethical, legal, and societal implications of this complex issue should be carefully considered. Ultimately, the decision on whether or not to make abortion illegal should be based on a comprehensive understanding of all viewpoints and the potential impact on individuals and society as a whole.


Why do some people argue that abortion should be illegal?

Some people argue that abortion should be illegal because they believe it is ethically wrong and violates the right to life of the unborn fetus. They also have concerns about the potential physical and emotional harm that abortion can cause to women, as well as the availability of alternatives such as adoption.

What impact does the legalization of abortion have on society?

The legalization of abortion has led to debates about the devaluation of human life and a decrease in respect for the sanctity of life. Some argue that it sends a message that life is disposable and can be terminated at will. There are also concerns about the potential societal consequences of widespread access to abortion, such as a decline in birth rates.

What is the pro-life perspective on abortion?

The pro-life perspective on abortion emphasizes the value of every human life, including the unborn fetus. Pro-life advocates believe that life begins at conception and that every fetus has a right to life. They argue that abortion is equivalent to taking the life of an innocent human being and should be prohibited.

What is the pro-choice perspective on abortion?

The pro-choice perspective on abortion emphasizes a woman’s right to make decisions about her own body, including the choice to have an abortion. Pro-choice advocates argue that reproductive rights are an essential component of women’s autonomy and equality. They believe that women should have access to safe and legal abortion services.

What are the arguments on both sides of the abortion debate?

Those against abortion raise ethical concerns about the value of life and the potential harm to women. They argue that abortion is a violation of human rights and that alternatives should be pursued. Proponents of abortion rights emphasize a woman’s autonomy and reproductive freedom and the importance of access to safe and legal abortion services.

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