Why is My Blackstone Rusting?

Rust can be a frustrating problem for Blackstone griddle owners. If you’ve noticed rust on your beloved cooking surface, you’re probably wondering why it’s happening and how to prevent it. In this article, we’ll explore the causes of blackstone rusting, effective rust removal techniques, preventative measures, and long-term maintenance tips to keep your griddle rust-free.

Key Takeaways:

  • Rust can form on Blackstone griddles due to exposure to water and oxygen.
  • Living in a humid area or near the beach can accelerate rust formation.
  • Seasoning your griddle with oil and storing it properly can help prevent rust.
  • To remove rust, heat the griddle, scrape off the corroded surface, and apply oil.
  • Prevent rust by adding oil after each use, storing the griddle in a dry place, and using a cover.

How to Remove Rust from Your Blackstone Griddle

If you’ve noticed rust forming on your Blackstone griddle, don’t worry – there are steps you can take to remove it and restore your griddle to its former glory. Follow these simple tips to effectively remove rust and prevent it from coming back.

Solution 1: Heat, Scrape, and Scrub

Start by heating the griddle on high for about 20 minutes. This will help loosen the rust and make it easier to remove. Next, use a metal scraper to gently scrape off the corroded surface. Be careful not to damage the griddle while doing this.

After scraping, apply cooking oil to the griddle and use a grill stone or steel wool to scrub away the remaining rust. The oil will help lubricate the surface and make the scrubbing process more effective. Repeat this process until all signs of rust debris are gone.

Solution 2: Restore the Protective Coating

Once the rust is removed, it’s important to restore the protective coating on your Blackstone griddle. Apply a thin layer of cooking oil all over the griddle’s surface, spreading it evenly. This will create a barrier that helps prevent rust from forming again.

Remember to season your griddle regularly to maintain the protective coating and keep it in top condition. With these simple steps, you can say goodbye to rust and enjoy cooking on your Blackstone griddle without any worries.

How to Prevent Rust on Your Blackstone Griddle

To ensure that your Blackstone griddle remains rust-free and in optimal condition, it is important to take proper care of it. By following these tips, you can protect your griddle from rust formation:

  1. Season your griddle: Before using your Blackstone griddle for the first time, season it with a protective layer of cooking oil. This will create a barrier between the iron surface and moisture, preventing rust.
  2. Clean and dry after each use: After cooking, make sure to clean your griddle thoroughly with a mild soap and warm water. Dry it completely to remove any moisture that could lead to rust formation.
  3. Apply a thin coat of oil: After cleaning, apply a thin coat of cooking oil to the surface of your griddle. This will help maintain the protective seasoning layer and prevent rust.
  4. Store in a cool, dry place: When not in use, store your Blackstone griddle in a cool, dry place to minimize exposure to moisture in the air. Consider using a griddle cover to provide an extra layer of protection.

By implementing these preventative measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of rust formation on your Blackstone griddle and ensure its longevity.

Taking Prompt Action

Even with proper care, rust may still occur on your griddle. It is important to check your griddle regularly for any signs of rust and address them promptly. If you notice any rust spots, follow these steps to prevent it from spreading:

  1. Scrub the rust: Use a grill stone or steel wool to scrub away the rusted areas. This will help remove any loose rust debris and prepare the surface for treatment.
  2. Treat with vinegar: If the rust persists, you can use a mixture of vinegar and water to further remove rust. Apply the solution to the affected areas and let it sit for a few minutes before scrubbing.
  3. Re-season the griddle: After removing the rust, rinse the griddle with water and dry it thoroughly. Then, re-season the griddle with a fresh layer of cooking oil to restore its protective coating.

By taking prompt action and following these steps, you can effectively remove rust and prevent it from recurring on your Blackstone griddle.

preventing rust on blackstone grill

Common Issues that Cause Rust on Blackstone Griddles

If you’ve noticed rust forming on your Blackstone griddle, there are a few common issues that could be contributing to the problem. Identifying these issues and addressing them promptly can help prevent further rust formation and keep your griddle in better condition.

1. Inadequate seasoning

One possible cause of rust on your Blackstone griddle is inadequate seasoning. Seasoning involves applying a layer of oil to the surface of the griddle to create a protective coating. If you fail to properly season your griddle or skip this step altogether, the surface is left vulnerable to rust.

2. Presence of moisture

Moisture, whether from cooking or the environment, can contribute to rust formation on your griddle. When water comes into contact with the iron surface of the griddle, it can lead to rust. It is important to ensure that your griddle is thoroughly dried after cleaning and to protect it from moisture during storage.

3. Lack of regular cleaning and maintenance

Neglecting to clean and maintain your Blackstone griddle regularly can also contribute to rust formation. Food debris and grease left on the surface of the griddle can attract moisture and accelerate the rusting process. It is important to clean your griddle after each use and apply a thin coat of oil to maintain the protective seasoning layer.

By addressing these common issues and taking proper care of your Blackstone griddle, you can prevent rust from becoming a recurring problem. Regular seasoning, protecting from moisture, and regular cleaning and maintenance are key to keeping your griddle in optimal condition.

Troubleshooting Rust on Blackstone Griddles

If you’re still facing rust issues with your Blackstone griddle despite taking preventative measures, there are several troubleshooting steps you can try to address the problem. Firstly, double-check your seasoning process to ensure it’s thorough and complete. Properly clean and dry your griddle after each use to remove any food residue or moisture that could contribute to rust formation. If you’re using cooking oil for seasoning, consider switching to a higher quality oil or try using food-grade silicone spray as an alternative protective layer.

Additionally, inspect the areas where the rust is forming on your griddle. Use a grill brush or scraper to remove any loose rust particles before applying any treatment. For minor rust spots, you can try making a paste with baking soda and water and gently scrubbing the affected area. Rinse and dry thoroughly afterward. If the rust persists, you may need to use rust remover products specifically designed for griddles. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions and use protective gloves and goggles when handling these chemicals.

Once you’ve addressed the rust issue, be sure to reseason your griddle to restore its protective coating. Apply a thin layer of cooking oil and heat the griddle on high for a few minutes. This will help create a barrier against moisture and oxygen and prevent rust from recurring. Regularly inspect your griddle for any signs of rust and promptly address any issues to prevent them from spreading.

Common Troubleshooting Solutions:

  • Double-check seasoning process to ensure thoroughness
  • Properly clean and dry the griddle after each use
  • Consider using higher quality cooking oil or food-grade silicone spray
  • Remove loose rust particles before treatment
  • Try baking soda paste for minor rust spots
  • Use rust remover products for persistent rust
  • Reseason the griddle after addressing rust issues
  • Regularly inspect and address rust promptly to prevent spread

blackstone rusting solutions

Remember, maintaining the proper care and maintenance of your Blackstone griddle is crucial in preventing and managing rust issues. By implementing these troubleshooting solutions and regularly inspecting your griddle, you can keep it in optimal condition and enjoy many delicious meals for years to come.

Tips for Long-Term Maintenance of Blackstone Griddles

Proper maintenance is key to keeping your Blackstone griddle in optimal condition and preventing rust. Here are some essential tips to help you maintain your griddle for the long term:

1. Regular Cleaning:

After each use, make sure to clean your griddle thoroughly. Use mild soap and warm water to remove grease and food debris. Scrub gently with a non-abrasive sponge or cloth to avoid scratching the surface. Rinse well and dry completely to prevent moisture buildup, as dampness can lead to rust formation.

2. Seasoning:

Seasoning your griddle is crucial for creating a protective layer that helps prevent rust. After cleaning, apply a thin coat of cooking oil to the surface of the griddle. Use a cloth or paper towel to spread the oil evenly, covering all areas. Heat the griddle on medium-high for about 15 minutes to allow the oil to penetrate and create a seasoned layer. Repeat this process periodically to maintain the protective coating.

3. Oil Application:

In addition to seasoning, regularly apply a thin layer of cooking oil to your griddle after each use. This helps maintain the protective barrier and prevents moisture from coming into direct contact with the surface. Use a cloth or paper towel to evenly distribute the oil and remove any excess. This simple step goes a long way in preventing rust and preserving the lifespan of your griddle.

4. Proper Storage:

When not in use, store your Blackstone griddle in a cool, dry place. Avoid exposing it to extreme temperature changes or leaving it outside where it is exposed to rain, snow, or high humidity. Consider using a heavy-duty canvas cover specifically designed for griddles to provide an additional layer of protection against environmental elements.

By following these maintenance tips, you can enjoy many delicious meals on your Blackstone griddle while keeping it rust-free for years to come.


Rust formation on Blackstone griddles can be a frustrating problem, but with the right care and maintenance, it can be prevented and managed effectively. By understanding the causes of rust and implementing the right solutions, you can keep your Blackstone griddle in optimal condition and enjoy delicious meals for years to come.

To prevent rust, it is crucial to season your griddle with a protective layer of oil and store it in a cool, dry place. Regularly cleaning and oiling the griddle after each use will help to maintain its protective seasoning layer and prevent moisture buildup.

If you do encounter rust on your Blackstone griddle, don’t worry. There are steps you can take to remove it, such as heating the griddle to loosen the rust and using a metal scraper to scrape off the corroded surface. Following this, applying cooking oil and scrubbing the griddle will help eliminate any remaining rust debris.

Remember, addressing rust issues promptly and implementing long-term maintenance tips will help ensure the longevity of your Blackstone griddle. By taking proper care of your griddle and following these tips, you can enjoy many delicious meals without the worry of rust.


Why is my Blackstone griddle rusting?

Rust can occur on your Blackstone griddle due to a combination of factors. Firstly, rust happens because iron naturally rusts when exposed to water and oxygen. Blackstone griddles are made of iron, and if they come into contact with water, rust can form. Additionally, if you live in a humid area or near the beach, the moisture in the air can contribute to rust formation.

How can I remove rust from my Blackstone griddle?

To remove rust from your Blackstone griddle, start by heating the griddle on high for 20 minutes to loosen the rust. Then, use a metal scraper to scrape off the corroded surface. Afterward, apply cooking oil to the griddle and scrub it down with a grill stone or steel wool. Repeat this process until all signs of rust debris are gone. Finally, season the griddle with cooking oil to create a protective coating and prevent further rust formation.

How can I prevent rust on my Blackstone griddle?

To prevent rust from forming on your Blackstone griddle, it is important to season it with a protective layer of oil and store it in a cool, dry place. After each use, add an extra layer of cooking oil to the surface and wipe it down with a cloth. This will help protect the griddle from moisture and oxygen. Consider using a cover to further protect it from humidity in the air. Regularly check your griddle for any signs of rust and address it promptly to prevent it from spreading.

What are the common issues that cause rust on Blackstone griddles?

Common issues that can cause rust to form on Blackstone griddles include inadequate seasoning, the presence of moisture from cooking or the environment, and neglecting to clean and maintain the griddle regularly.

How can I troubleshoot rust on my Blackstone griddle?

If you continue to experience rust issues with your Blackstone griddle, double-check your seasoning process, clean and dry your griddle properly after each use, and consider using a higher quality cooking oil or alternative methods, such as food-grade silicone spray, for additional protection.

What tips do you have for long-term maintenance of Blackstone griddles?

To maintain the longevity of your Blackstone griddle and keep it rust-free over the long term, regularly clean it with mild soap and warm water, thoroughly dry it after cleaning to prevent moisture buildup, apply a thin coat of oil after each use, and consider using a heavy-duty canvas cover when storing it for an extended period.

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