Why Do Yorkies Lick So Much?

If you’re a Yorkie owner, you may have noticed that your furry friend loves to lick, sometimes to the point of excess. But why do Yorkies lick so much? In this article, we’ll explore the reasons behind this behavior and how to address it effectively.

Yorkie licking behavior can be influenced by various factors, including affection, attention-seeking, and even the taste of salty skin. While some licking is normal, excessive licking may indicate an underlying issue that needs to be addressed. Understanding the reasons behind this behavior is crucial for ensuring the well-being of your furry companion.

Key Takeaways:

  • Yorkies may lick excessively as a way to show affection or seek attention from their owners.
  • The salty taste of human skin can also be appealing to Yorkies, leading them to lick.
  • Excessive licking can extend to objects like paws and furniture, which may indicate anxiety or boredom.
  • Proper training, routine, and mental/physical stimulation can help redirect and reduce excessive licking behavior.
  • If excessive licking persists despite training efforts, consult a professional dog trainer or veterinarian for further guidance.

The Behavioral Reasons for Excessive Licking

Yorkies are known for their affectionate nature, and excessive licking is a common behavior observed in these adorable dogs. Understanding the reasons behind this behavior can help us address it effectively. So, why do Yorkies lick so much? There are several behavioral reasons that contribute to excessive licking in Yorkies.

1. Affection and Submissive Behavior

One of the main reasons Yorkies lick excessively is to show affection to their owners. Licking is a way for them to express their love and bond with their human companions. It is a behavior rooted in their instincts as pack animals, where licking is a form of grooming and social interaction.

“My Yorkie, Bella, licks my face every time I come home. It’s her way of showing how happy she is to see me,” says Sarah, a proud Yorkie owner.

In addition to affection, excessive licking can also be a display of submissive behavior. Yorkies view their owners as pack leaders and may exhibit submissive gestures like licking as a way to show respect and submission.

2. Attention-Seeking and Boredom

Yorkies are intelligent and social dogs that thrive on human interaction. Excessive licking can be their way of seeking attention from their owners. They have learned that licking often elicits a response, whether it’s a pat on the head or verbal acknowledgment.

Furthermore, Yorkies may also lick objects like their paws or furniture out of boredom. This behavior may indicate that they need more mental and physical stimulation in their daily routine.

3. Tasting and Exploring the Environment

Another reason Yorkies lick excessively is because they are curious creatures who explore their world through taste. The salty taste of human skin or the residue left on objects can be appealing to them, leading them to lick excessively.

Dr. Johnson, a veterinarian, explains, “Yorkies have a keen sense of taste, and they may lick excessively to gather information about their surroundings.”

It’s important to note that while these behavioral reasons are common, excessive licking can also be a sign of underlying health issues or anxiety. If your Yorkie’s licking behavior is obsessive, consistent, or accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it’s best to consult a professional to rule out any medical causes and address the behavior effectively.

Addressing Excessive Licking Behavior in Yorkies

Excessive licking can be a concern for Yorkie owners, but there are ways to address this behavior and reduce its frequency. Here are some helpful tips and remedies to help stop your Yorkie from licking excessively:

  1. Provide proper training: Training is key to redirecting your Yorkie’s licking behavior. Use positive reinforcement techniques such as rewards and praise to reinforce desired behaviors and discourage excessive licking.
  2. Establish a consistent routine: Yorkies thrive on routine, so establish a consistent daily schedule that includes regular exercise, meals, and playtime. This can help reduce boredom and anxiety, which may contribute to excessive licking.
  3. Ensure mental and physical stimulation: Engage your Yorkie in stimulating activities, such as puzzle toys and interactive play sessions, to keep their mind and body active. Mental and physical stimulation can help alleviate anxiety and redirect their focus away from licking.
  4. Consult a professional: If your Yorkie’s excessive licking persists despite your efforts, it may be necessary to seek professional help. A professional dog trainer or veterinarian can assess your Yorkie’s behavior and provide guidance tailored to their specific needs.

Remember, each Yorkie is unique, so what works for one dog may not work for another. Be patient and consistent in your approach, and don’t hesitate to reach out for professional assistance if needed. With proper care and attention, you can help your Yorkie overcome excessive licking and lead a happy, healthy life.

remedies for yorkie licking

Dental and Health Issues Related to Yorkie Licking

Excessive licking in Yorkies can be a sign of dental problems or underlying health issues. Yorkies are prone to dental issues due to their small jaws, and tartar buildup can lead to bad breath and gum disease. Regular dental care, including teeth cleaning and professional cleanings, is essential to prevent dental problems. Dental issues, such as tooth decay or gum disease, can cause pain and discomfort for Yorkies, leading them to lick their mouths excessively in an attempt to alleviate the discomfort.

Additionally, excessive licking of paws can indicate allergies or skin irritations in Yorkies. Allergies can cause itching and irritation, prompting Yorkies to lick their paws excessively. This behavior can lead to further skin problems, such as redness, inflammation, or even infection. It is important to monitor the health of a Yorkie and address any underlying health issues that may be causing excessive licking. If you notice persistent licking, especially in specific areas like the mouth or paws, it is advisable to consult a veterinarian for a thorough examination and appropriate treatment.

Potential Causes of Yorkie Licking:

  • Poor dental hygiene and dental issues
  • Allergies and skin irritations
  • Oral discomfort or pain
  • Anxiety or stress
  • Boredom or lack of mental and physical stimulation

Identifying and addressing the underlying causes of excessive licking is crucial for the overall well-being of a Yorkie. By providing proper dental care, managing allergies, and addressing any health issues, you can help alleviate the excessive licking behavior and ensure your Yorkie’s comfort and happiness.

The Link between Licking and Emotional State in Yorkies

Excessive licking in Yorkies can often be an indication of their emotional state. Yorkies are known to be sensitive dogs, and when they are feeling nervous, stressed, or anxious, they may resort to excessive licking as a way to cope with their emotions. It’s important for Yorkie owners to recognize this behavior and take steps to create a calm and supportive environment for their furry friends.

Creating a calm environment involves providing a consistent routine for your Yorkie. Dogs thrive on routine, and having a set schedule can help alleviate their anxiety and reduce excessive licking. Additionally, it’s important to identify and address any potential triggers that may be causing your Yorkie’s emotional distress. This could include loud noises, unfamiliar environments, or separation anxiety. By minimizing exposure to these triggers, you can help reduce their stress levels and decrease their licking behavior.

The Role of Exercise and Mental Stimulation

Regular exercise and mental stimulation play a crucial role in managing a Yorkie’s emotional well-being. Yorkies are active dogs that require daily physical activity to channel their energy and keep them mentally stimulated. Engaging in activities such as daily walks, interactive play sessions, and puzzle toys can help tire them out and provide a healthy outlet for their energy. A tired Yorkie is often a calmer Yorkie, which can help reduce their excessive licking behavior.

In addition to physical exercise, mental stimulation is equally important for Yorkies. Engaging their minds with puzzle toys, training exercises, and interactive games can help keep their brains occupied and prevent boredom. Mental stimulation not only keeps them entertained but also helps alleviate anxiety and reduce excessive licking.

excessive licking in yorkies

Seeking Professional Guidance

If your Yorkie’s excessive licking behavior persists despite your best efforts, it may be beneficial to seek professional guidance. A professional dog trainer or veterinarian can assess your Yorkie’s overall health and behavior and provide expert advice tailored to your specific situation. They may recommend additional interventions or treatments, such as behavior modification techniques or medical interventions, to help address the underlying causes of your Yorkie’s excessive licking.

Remember, excessive licking in Yorkies is a complex issue with various underlying causes. By understanding the link between licking and emotional state, providing a calm environment, incorporating regular exercise and mental stimulation, and seeking professional help when needed, you can help your Yorkie live a happier, healthier life with reduced licking behavior.

Tips for Training a Yorkie to Stop Licking

Training a Yorkie to stop excessive licking requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement. Here are some tips to help you address this behavior:

Create Clear Boundaries:

Establish clear boundaries with your Yorkie and communicate what is acceptable and what is not. Use consistent verbal cues or hand signals to indicate when licking behavior is not allowed.

Use Positive Reinforcement Techniques:

Reward your Yorkie with treats, praise, and affection when they refrain from licking or display alternative behaviors. Positive reinforcement helps them associate good behavior with positive outcomes.

Provide Distractions:

When you notice your Yorkie starting to lick, redirect their attention by offering them a toy, engaging them in playtime, or providing mental stimulation. This helps shift their focus away from licking.

Be Consistent:

Consistency is key in training a Yorkie to stop licking. Set aside regular training sessions and repeat the training cues consistently. This will help your Yorkie understand what is expected of them.

Stay Patient:

Training takes time, so be patient with your Yorkie. Celebrate small successes along the way and understand that it may take time for the behavior to change completely. Consistent training and positive reinforcement will yield results.

Seeking Professional Help for Excessive Licking in Yorkies

If your Yorkie’s excessive licking behavior persists despite your training efforts, it may be time to seek professional help. A professional dog trainer or veterinarian can provide invaluable guidance and support in identifying and addressing the underlying causes of the licking behavior.

By consulting with a professional, you can ensure that your Yorkie’s overall health and behavior are thoroughly assessed. They can help determine if there are any underlying medical conditions contributing to the excessive licking and recommend appropriate interventions or treatments.

Remember, every Yorkie is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. A professional can tailor their advice to meet the specific needs of your furry friend and provide you with personalized strategies and remedies for your Yorkie’s excessive licking.

The well-being and happiness of your Yorkie should always be a priority, and seeking professional help can help you provide the best care and support for your furry companion.

So, don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional to address your Yorkie’s excessive licking behavior. With their expertise and your dedication, you can help your Yorkie overcome this behavioral issue and ensure they live a happy, healthy, and lick-free life!


Excessive licking in Yorkies can be a common behavior, but it is essential to understand the reasons behind it. Yorkies may lick excessively to show affection, seek attention, or taste salty skin. However, excessive licking can also indicate underlying issues such as anxiety, boredom, dental problems, or allergies.

To address excessive licking behavior in Yorkies, it is important to provide proper training and attention. Positive reinforcement techniques, consistent routines, and mental and physical stimulation can help redirect the licking behavior. It is also crucial to monitor the Yorkie’s dental and overall health, addressing any underlying issues that may be contributing to excessive licking.

Creating a calm and supportive environment for a Yorkie is key to reducing excessive licking. Understanding and addressing the emotional triggers that may be causing the licking behavior is essential. If the excessive licking behavior persists despite training efforts, seeking professional help from a dog trainer or veterinarian is recommended to ensure the well-being of the Yorkie.

By taking the necessary steps to address excessive licking, Yorkie owners can help their furry companions lead happy and healthy lives. Understanding the reasons behind excessive licking and providing appropriate care and attention will contribute to a stronger bond between owners and their beloved Yorkies.


Why do Yorkies lick so much?

Yorkies may lick excessively as a way to show affection, seek attention, or taste salty skin. Excessive licking can also be a sign of anxiety or boredom.

What are the behavioral reasons for excessive licking in Yorkies?

Yorkies may lick excessively to show affection, seek attention, or taste salty skin. Excessive licking of paws and furniture could be a sign of anxiety or boredom.

How can I address excessive licking behavior in my Yorkie?

You can address excessive licking behavior by providing proper training and attention, using positive reinforcement techniques, establishing a consistent routine, and providing mental and physical stimulation.

Are there dental and health issues related to Yorkie licking?

Yes, excessive licking in Yorkies can be a sign of dental problems or underlying health issues. Regular dental care and monitoring their overall health is important to prevent problems.

What is the link between licking and the emotional state of a Yorkie?

Yorkies may lick excessively when they are nervous, stressed, or anxious. Creating a calm and supportive environment, providing exercise and mental stimulation, and using positive reinforcement can help reduce excessive licking behavior.

What are some tips for training a Yorkie to stop licking?

You can train a Yorkie to stop licking by establishing clear boundaries, using positive reinforcement techniques, providing high-value training treats, and creating a distraction-free environment. Consistency and patience are key.

When should I seek professional help for excessive licking in my Yorkie?

If the excessive licking behavior persists despite training efforts, it may be necessary to consult a professional dog trainer or veterinarian. They can assess the dog’s overall health and behavior and recommend appropriate interventions or treatments.

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