What to Eat with Braces the First Week: A Guide to Reduce Discomfort and Nourish Your Body

When you first get braces, it can be a challenging adjustment period. Your teeth may feel weird, brushing takes longer, and eating can be uncomfortable. To minimize discomfort and nourish your body, it’s important to eat soft and easy-to-chew foods during the first week of braces. This will help reduce soreness and allow your teeth to adjust to the new braces. In this guide, we’ll provide you with a list of braces-friendly foods that you can enjoy during the first week.

Key Takeaways:

  • Choose soft and easy-to-chew foods during the first week with braces to reduce discomfort.
  • Opt for scrambled eggs, oatmeal, cream of wheat, pancakes, smoothies, and muffins for breakfast.
  • For lunch and dinner, try soft sandwiches, soups, tuna/chicken/egg salad, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, pasta, and quesadillas.
  • Snack on soft fruits, yogurt, applesauce, cottage cheese, avocado, pudding, and soft ice cream throughout the day.
  • Stay away from hard, sticky, and crunchy foods that can damage your braces.

Breakfast Ideas for the First Week with Braces

During the first week with braces, it’s important to start your day with a nourishing breakfast. Choosing soft and braces-friendly foods will help minimize discomfort and allow your teeth to adjust to the braces. Here are some breakfast ideas that are easy to chew and gentle on the teeth:

Scrambled Eggs

Scrambled eggs are a protein-packed option that is easy to chew. They provide essential nutrients to start your day off right without causing discomfort. Add some cheese or vegetables for extra flavor and nutrition.


Oatmeal is a soft and comforting choice that is gentle on the teeth. It can be topped with soft fruits like bananas or berries for added flavor and nutrition. Consider adding a drizzle of honey or a sprinkle of cinnamon to enhance the taste.

Cream of Wheat

Cream of wheat is a smooth and easy-to-eat option that provides a warm and comforting breakfast. It can be topped with a spoonful of jam or a sprinkle of brown sugar for added sweetness. Consider adding a splash of milk or cream to make it even creamier.


Pancakes are a delicious and soft breakfast option, especially when made with a soft batter. Top them with softened fruits like blueberries or peaches, or a dollop of yogurt for added flavor. Avoid hard or crunchy toppings that may be difficult to chew.


Smoothies are a great way to get a nutritious breakfast without putting too much pressure on your teeth. Blend together soft fruits like bananas or mangoes with yogurt or milk for a refreshing and easy-to-drink meal. Add some spinach or kale for an extra dose of vitamins and minerals.


Opt for soft varieties of muffins without nuts or seeds. Blueberry or banana muffins are great options that are soft and delicious. Pair them with a glass of milk or a cup of tea for a complete and satisfying breakfast.

Breakfast Ideas for the First Week with Braces
Scrambled Eggs
Cream of Wheat

braces friendly breakfast

Lunch and Dinner Options for the First Week with Braces

During the first week with braces, it’s important to choose foods that are easy to chew and won’t cause discomfort. Here are some braces-friendly lunch and dinner ideas:

Meal Options Description
Soft sandwiches Enjoy peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on soft bread for a delicious and easy-to-chew meal.
Soups Opt for smooth-textured soups like tomato, chicken noodle, or pumpkin to provide nourishment without causing discomfort.
Tuna, chicken, or egg salad These protein-packed options are soft and easy to eat with braces.
Mac and cheese Indulge in this classic comfort food that is both tasty and gentle on your teeth.
Mashed potatoes Enjoy the smooth and creamy texture of mashed potatoes, which are sure to satisfy your hunger.
Pasta Choose softer pasta options and pair them with a gentle sauce for a braces-friendly meal.
Quesadillas with cheese and beans These flavorful quesadillas are easy to chew and can be customized with your favorite fillings.


During the first week with braces, it’s important to eat foods that are soft and easy to chew. Opt for soft sandwiches, soups, protein-packed salads, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, soft pasta, and quesadillas with cheese and beans. These options will provide nourishment without causing discomfort or damage to your braces.

braces meal ideas

Snack Suggestions for the First Week with Braces

During the first week with braces, it’s essential to choose snacks that are gentle on your teeth and won’t cause any discomfort. Here are some braces-friendly snack ideas to keep you nourished and satisfied:

1. Soft Fruits: Enjoy the natural sweetness of soft fruits like bananas, berries, or melons. They are easy to chew and packed with vitamins and fiber.

2. Yogurt: Indulge in creamy yogurt, a protein-rich snack that’s gentle on your teeth. Choose smooth varieties without any crunchy toppings.

3. Applesauce: Savor the smooth texture of applesauce, which provides a burst of fruity flavor without putting pressure on your braces.

4. Cottage Cheese: Try some creamy cottage cheese as a snack. It’s high in calcium and is soft enough to enjoy without discomfort.

5. Avocado: Treat yourself to the creamy goodness of avocado. Mash it up for a tasty and nutritious snack option.

6. Pudding: Indulge in a soft and satisfying treat like pudding. Choose smooth varieties and avoid any with nuts or crunchy toppings.

7. Ice Cream: As long as it’s not too hard or crunchy, a scoop of ice cream can be a delightful treat. Stick to softer flavors and avoid any with nuts or hard candies.

Remember, it’s important to avoid hard, sticky, and crunchy foods during the first week with braces to prevent damage. By opting for these braces-friendly snacks, you can keep your hunger at bay while taking care of your teeth!


Can I eat regular food with braces during the first week?

It’s best to stick to soft and easy-to-chew foods during the first week to minimize discomfort and allow your teeth to adjust to the braces.

What are some braces-friendly breakfast ideas for the first week?

Scrambled eggs, oatmeal, cream of wheat, pancakes, smoothies, and muffins are all great options for a soft and nourishing breakfast.

What lunch and dinner options are suitable for the first week with braces?

Soft sandwiches, soups, tuna/chicken/egg salad, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, pasta, and quesadillas are all easy-to-chew options for lunch and dinner.

What are some snack suggestions for the first week with braces?

Soft fruits, yogurt, applesauce, cottage cheese, avocado, pudding, and ice cream (not too hard or crunchy) make for braces-friendly snacks.

Can I eat crunchy or hard foods during the first week with braces?

It’s best to avoid crunchy or hard foods during the first week as they can cause discomfort and make it harder for your teeth to adjust to the braces.

How can I reduce soreness during the first week with braces?

Eating soft and easy-to-chew foods, practicing good oral hygiene, and using a saltwater rinse can help reduce soreness and promote oral health.

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