What Do You Do With a Problem: Lessons and Activities for Overcoming Challenges

Have you ever been faced with a problem that seemed overwhelming? We all have. But what if I told you that problems can actually be opportunities for growth and learning? That’s the powerful message behind the book “What Do You Do With a Problem” by Kobi Yamada.

In this captivating story, a young boy encounters a problem that he initially tries to avoid out of fear. However, as the problem follows him, he realizes that facing it head-on might be the best approach. Through engaging illustrations and relatable themes, the book teaches readers the importance of dealing with problems and finding the courage to overcome them.

In this article, we’ll explore the story of “What Do You Do With a Problem” and delve into the lessons and activities that can help children develop problem-solving skills and resilience. We’ll also discuss the impact of this book in the classroom and how it can foster character development and a growth mindset among students.

Key Takeaways:

  • Problems can be opportunities for growth and learning
  • The importance of facing problems head-on
  • Developing a growth mindset
  • Building resilience through problem-solving
  • Meaningful discussions about overcoming challenges

The Story of “What Do You Do With a Problem”

In the book “What Do You Do With a Problem,” written by Kobi Yamada and illustrated by Mae Besom, readers are introduced to a young boy who encounters a problem in his life. Initially, the boy tries to avoid the problem out of fear, hoping that it will simply go away. However, much to his surprise, the problem persists, causing him to worry and feel overwhelmed.

As the story unfolds, the boy gradually realizes that running away from the problem only makes it grow bigger and scarier. With a newfound sense of courage, he decides to face the problem head-on and discovers that it is not as daunting as he initially believed. In fact, the problem holds something amazing inside, opening doors to opportunities and growth.

The story of “What Do You Do With a Problem” emphasizes the idea that problems can be viewed as opportunities for learning and personal development. It teaches readers that by confronting challenges and taking action, they can overcome obstacles and grow stronger in the process. Kobi Yamada and Mae Besom beautifully capture the journey of the young boy, encouraging readers of all ages to embrace their own problems and find the courage to tackle them.

Exploring the Power of Problem-Solving

The central theme of “What Do You Do With a Problem” revolves around problem-solving and the importance of taking action when faced with challenges. Through the story, readers learn that problems should not be avoided or ignored, but rather confronted with curiosity and a growth mindset. The book inspires children to develop problem-solving skills, encouraging them to approach problems as opportunities for growth and learning.

Lessons and Themes from “What Do You Do With a Problem”

“What Do You Do With a Problem” explores several important lessons and themes that are valuable for readers of all ages. One of the key lessons from the book is the significance of problem-solving and taking action when faced with challenges. It encourages individuals to approach problems with a growth mindset, viewing them as opportunities for learning and personal growth. By adopting this mindset, readers are empowered to develop creative solutions and overcome obstacles with resilience.

The book also highlights the concept of resilience, emphasizing the importance of facing and overcoming obstacles. It teaches readers that setbacks and challenges are a natural part of life, and by confronting them head-on, individuals can develop strength and perseverance. This theme of resilience encourages readers to persevere even when things seem difficult, reminding them that they have the power to overcome any problem that comes their way.

The Benefits of Problem-Solving, Growth Mindset, and Resilience

Developing problem-solving skills, embracing a growth mindset, and cultivating resilience have numerous benefits. Problem-solving enables individuals to approach challenges with a proactive and analytical mindset, allowing them to find creative solutions and make informed decisions. It fosters critical thinking and adaptability, skills that are essential in navigating both personal and professional life.

Having a growth mindset, as emphasized in “What Do You Do With a Problem,” enables individuals to believe in the potential for growth and improvement. It enables them to embrace challenges as opportunities for learning and development, rather than feeling discouraged by setbacks. This mindset promotes a positive attitude and a willingness to take risks, leading to personal growth and achievement.

Resilience, on the other hand, equips individuals with the ability to bounce back from adversity. It builds emotional strength and the capacity to handle stress and setbacks effectively. By developing resilience, individuals are better equipped to face challenges, persevere through difficult times, and maintain a positive outlook despite obstacles.

Activities to Promote Problem-Solving and Resilience

In order to foster problem-solving skills and resilience in children, there are various activities that can be implemented in the classroom. These activities provide practical opportunities for students to engage with the themes of problem-solving and resilience, helping them develop important life skills.

One activity involves asking students to draw a problem they have encountered and think about possible solutions. This encourages them to identify and analyze challenges, while also brainstorming creative ways to overcome them. Additionally, role-playing situations where students must solve a problem can help them practice critical thinking and decision-making in a fun and interactive way.

Creating a visual reminder, such as a spyglass or binoculars, can serve as a constant reminder for students to look for opportunities within challenges. This activity encourages students to shift their perspective and see problems as stepping stones to growth and development. Lastly, discussing the importance of asking for help when facing a problem can help students understand that seeking support is not a sign of weakness, but rather a courageous and proactive approach to problem-solving.

Implementing these activities in the classroom can help students develop essential problem-solving skills and build resilience in the face of challenges. By actively engaging with these activities, students will learn to approach problems with a growth mindset and view setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

teaching activities for problem-solving and resilience

The Impact of “What Do You Do With a Problem” in the Classroom

“What Do You Do With a Problem” has made a significant impact in classrooms, contributing to character development and promoting a growth mindset among students. The book serves as a valuable tool for initiating meaningful discussions about overcoming challenges and the importance of confronting problems directly.

Teachers have found that using this book as a teaching resource opens the door to engaging discussions where students can share their own experiences with problems. By exploring these personal stories, students learn to approach challenges in a positive and growth-oriented manner, fostering resilience and problem-solving skills.

Incorporating “What Do You Do With a Problem” in the classroom offers valuable lessons that go beyond the pages of the book. It encourages students to think critically about how they face obstacles and provides them with a framework for developing a resilient mindset. Through these discussions and related activities, students are equipped with practical tools for problem-solving and adapting to difficult situations.

By embracing the themes of character development and growth mindset, “What Do You Do With a Problem” helps create a supportive classroom environment that nurtures the intellectual and emotional well-being of students. Its impact extends beyond individual lessons, leaving a lasting impression on young minds and empowering them to approach challenges with confidence and determination.


What is the book “What Do You Do With a Problem” about?

The book follows a young boy who learns to face and tackle his problem, discovering that it holds opportunities for growth and learning.

What lessons and themes are explored in the book?

The book emphasizes the importance of problem-solving, developing a growth mindset, and the concept of resilience.

How can I help children explore these themes further?

Activities such as drawing their own problems and brainstorming solutions, role-playing problem-solving situations, creating visual reminders, and discussing the importance of asking for help can foster problem-solving skills and resilience in children.

How has the book impacted classrooms?

The book serves as a starting point for meaningful discussions about overcoming challenges and helps foster a resilient and problem-solving mindset among students.

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