What are the 8 Prophetic Personalities?

Have you ever wondered how some individuals are able to hear and perceive God’s voice in such unique and profound ways? It turns out there are 8 prophetic personalities that can manifest in people, offering them distinct channels through which they connect with the divine. These personalities are not limited to those who hold the title of a prophet, but can be present in anyone who operates in the prophetic gift or grace.

So, what are these 8 prophetic personalities? Let’s explore:

  • The Knower: Intuitive and guided by an inner knowing
  • The Hearer: Receives specific messages from God
  • The Seer: Visionary, able to see the bigger picture
  • The Feeler: Given emotions by God to intercede for others
  • The Key-Giver: Unlocks and reveals secrets and revelations
  • The Refitter: Repairs and restores stagnant areas of the Church
  • The Scribe: Communicates God’s Word creatively or administratively
  • The Lightning Rod: Conduit of God’s power and brings about transformation

Discovering your prophetic personality can provide you with a deeper understanding of how you connect with God and how He communicates with you. Each person can operate in one or more of these prophetic personalities, and by recognizing and embracing your unique gifting, you can further develop and grow in your prophetic journey.

Stay tuned as we dive deeper into each prophetic personality and explore the characteristics of prophetic individuals in the upcoming sections.

Key Takeaways:

  • There are 8 prophetic personalities that manifest in individuals
  • These personalities are unique ways of hearing and perceiving God’s voice
  • Prophetic personalities are not limited to those holding the office of a prophet
  • Each person can have one or more prophetic personalities
  • Discovering your prophetic personality can enhance your connection with God

Discovering Your Prophetic Personality

When it comes to the realm of biblical prophetic personalities, there is a rich tapestry of famous individuals who have operated in unique ways to hear and perceive God’s voice. But what about you? Have you ever wondered what prophetic personality you possess? Let’s explore the different biblical prophetic personalities and how you can discover your own.

There are eight distinct prophetic personalities that can manifest in individuals. Each personality represents a unique way of hearing and perceiving God’s voice. These personalities are not limited to those who hold the office of a prophet but can be present in anyone who operates in the prophetic gift or grace.

Here are the eight prophetic personalities:

Prophetic Personality Description
Knower An intuitive personality that “knows” what they are supposed to do.
Hearer Hears specific things from God, such as verses or phrases.
Seer A visionary personality that receives a big picture from God.
Feeler Given emotions by God to intercede for others.
Key-giver Unlocks and reveals the secrets and revelations of the Kingdom.
Refitter Repairs and restores areas of the Church that have become stagnant.
Scribe Communicates the Word of God through creative or administrative means.
Lightning rod A conduit of God’s power and glory, bringing about change and transformation.

By understanding these biblical prophetic personalities, you can begin to discern which one or ones resonate with you the most. It’s important to remember that you may possess more than one prophetic personality, and that’s perfectly normal. As you explore and embrace your prophetic personality, you will gain deeper insight into how God speaks to you and through you.

Discovering Your Prophetic Personality

Characteristics of Prophetic People

Prophetic people exhibit distinct characteristics that set them apart in their spiritual journey. These qualities are essential for their effectiveness in fulfilling their prophetic calling. Understanding God’s timing is crucial for prophetic people, as they operate in alignment with divine seasons and seasons. They have a deep sensitivity to discern the times and seasons of God’s plans and purposes. This enables them to accurately deliver messages and carry out assignments at the appropriate time.

Prophetic people continually progress in revelation, always seeking a deeper understanding of God’s Word and His ways. They have an insatiable hunger for spiritual insight and grow in their ability to hear and perceive God’s voice. This progression in revelation allows them to bring fresh insights and perspectives to the body of Christ.

Exercising divine restraint is another characteristic of prophetic people. They understand the importance of using their gift wisely and in accordance with God’s guidance. They exercise self-control and discernment in the use of their prophetic abilities, allowing the Holy Spirit to govern their actions and words. This ensures that their prophetic utterances bring edification, encouragement, and comfort to others.

Prophetic people are known for their fervent passion for God. They maintain a fiery zeal for the Lord, constantly seeking His presence and intimacy. This fervor fuels their prophetic gifting and empowers them to operate in the supernatural realm. They are not satisfied with a lukewarm or stagnant relationship with God but strive to remain on fire for Him.

Prominent Prophetic Personalities

Personality Description
Knower Intuitive individuals who have a deep sense of knowing and understanding God’s will.
Hearer Those who hear specific words, verses, or phrases from God.
Seer Visionary individuals who receive a big picture or imagery from God.
Feeler Prophetic intercessors who are given emotions by God to pray and intercede for others.
Key-giver Unlockers of revelations and secrets of the Kingdom of God.
Refitter Restorers and repairers of areas within the Church that have become stagnant or broken.
Scribe Communicators of God’s Word through creative or administrative means.
Lightning rod Conduits of God’s power and glory, bringing about transformation and change.

The Importance of Apostles and Prophets Working Together

In the realm of ministry, the partnership between apostles and prophets holds great significance. While apostles bring a deep understanding of the Word, prophets contribute their high level of spiritual sensitivity. Working hand in hand, they create a balanced and complete approach to ministry, ensuring a holistic experience for believers.

Apostles have the ability to take believers into the depths of God’s Word, unveiling its richness and hidden truths. They provide the solid foundation upon which the Church is built. On the other hand, prophets soar high in the Spirit, accessing the revelatory realm and bringing forth fresh insights and divine direction. Together, they cultivate a powerful combination of the Word and the Spirit, leading to a comprehensive understanding of Christ and His kingdom.

It is crucial for prophets to be trained in the characteristics mentioned earlier to effectively fulfill their calling. By embracing the qualities of understanding God’s timing, progressing in revelation, exercising divine restraint, staying on fire for God, valuing the written Word, being spontaneous, discerning, and engaging in a lifestyle of praise, prophets can truly operate at their fullest potential.

By recognizing and cultivating the unique personalities of prophets, we can witness the renowned impact they have in the Church and the lives of individuals. As apostles and prophets continue to work together, the Church can thrive and grow, having a solid foundation in the Word and a vibrant connection to the Spirit.


What are the 8 Prophetic Personalities?

The 8 prophetic personalities are knower, hearer, seer, feeler, key-giver, refitter, scribe, and lightning rod. They are unique ways in which people hear and perceive God’s voice (First source).

How can I discover my prophetic personality?

Each person can have one or more prophetic personalities that they operate in. Pay attention to how you hear from God, whether it’s through intuition (knower), specific messages (hearer), vision (seer), emotions (feeler), unlocking revelations (key-giver), restoration (refitter), creative communication (scribe), or conduits of power (lightning rod) (First source).

What are the characteristics of prophetic people?

Prophetic people exhibit characteristics such as understanding God’s timing, progressing in revelation, exercising divine restraint, staying on fire for God, valuing the written Word of God, being spontaneous and flexible, having discernment, and engaging in a lifestyle of praise (Third source).

Why are apostles and prophets important in the Church?

Apostles provide deep understanding of the Word of God, while prophets bring a high level of spiritual sensitivity. Together, they create a balanced and complete approach to ministry. Apostles dive deep into the Word, while prophets take believers high in the Spirit, creating a complete experience of Christ (Second source).

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