What is the Longest Chapter in the Bible?

Have you ever wondered what the longest chapter in the Bible is? Well, look no further! In this article, we will explore the length and significance of the longest chapter in the Bible and delve into other notable chapters worth mentioning.

Key Takeaways:

  • The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119, with 176 verses and approximately 2,445 words.
  • Psalm 119 is an acrostic poem using the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
  • The chapter primarily emphasizes the importance and value of God’s Word.
  • Other long chapters in the Bible include 1 Kings 8, Numbers 7, Deuteronomy 28, and Leviticus 13.
  • Psalm 119 stands out for its focus on the Word of God and its teachings on its significance.

Other Long Chapters in the Bible

While Psalm 119 holds the record for being the longest chapter in the Bible, there are several other notable chapters that deserve recognition. The second longest chapter is 1 Kings 8, comprising 1,964 words spread across 66 verses. It provides a detailed account of the dedication of Solomon’s Temple and the prayer he offered to God on that occasion.

Following closely behind is Numbers 7, the third longest chapter, containing 1,896 words in 89 verses. This chapter describes the offerings made by the leaders of each tribe during the consecration of the altar. It underscores the significance of unity and collective worship among the people of Israel.

The fourth longest chapter in the Bible is Deuteronomy 28, which consists of 1,829 words divided into 68 verses. Deuteronomy 28 contains a detailed listing of blessings for obedience to God’s commandments and curses for disobedience. It serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of living according to God’s will.

Lastly, Leviticus 13 is the fifth longest chapter in terms of word count, with 1,628 words spread over 59 verses. This chapter details the laws and regulations pertaining to the identification and handling of various skin diseases, demonstrating the meticulousness of God’s instructions to the Israelites regarding cleanliness and health.

Table: Longest Chapters in the Bible

Rank Chapter Words Verses
1 Psalm 119 2,445 176
2 1 Kings 8 1,964 66
3 Numbers 7 1,896 89
4 Deuteronomy 28 1,829 68
5 Leviticus 13 1,628 59

Longest Chapter in the New Testament

In the New Testament, the longest chapter in terms of word count is Matthew 26. This chapter contains 1,603 words spread across 75 verses. Matthew 26 is a significant chapter as it includes the account of Jesus’ betrayal, arrest, and crucifixion. It also features the Last Supper, where Jesus institutes the sacrament of communion.

Another notable chapter in the New Testament is Luke 1, which holds the record for the longest chapter in terms of the number of verses. With 80 verses, Luke 1 contains 1,462 words. This chapter is particularly significant as it narrates the events surrounding the birth of John the Baptist and the Annunciation of Jesus’ birth to Mary by the angel Gabriel.

longest chapter in the new testament

Overall, Psalm 119 stands out as a powerful reminder of the value and significance of the Word of God. Its unwavering focus on the Scriptures and its unique structure make it a chapter of great importance within the Bible. As believers, we are encouraged to delve into the teachings of Psalm 119, meditate on its message, and allow it to shape our understanding of the Word and our relationship with God.

Other Notable Chapters in the Bible

In addition to Psalm 119, which holds the title for the longest chapter in the Bible, there are several other notable chapters that deserve recognition. Psalms 118, with its 176 verses, is the second longest chapter and the shortest chapter in the Old Testament. It is a beautiful song of thanksgiving and praise to God, expressing gratitude for His steadfast love and faithfulness.

Esther, with 167 verses, takes the third spot as the longest chapter and is also the third longest book in the Bible. It tells the captivating story of Queen Esther, who risked her life to save the Jewish people from destruction. The book of Esther reminds us of God’s providence and the courage displayed by a young woman.

Matthew, with its 165 verses, is the fourth longest chapter and serves as the opening Gospel in the New Testament. It chronicles the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Matthew highlights Jesus’ role as the long-awaited Messiah, fulfilling Old Testament prophecies and ushering in the kingdom of God.

Lastly, Isaiah, with its 162 verses, is the fifth longest chapter and the longest book in the Bible. It is a prophetic book that addresses the people of Israel during a time of rebellion and impending judgment. Isaiah’s prophecies contain words of warning, but also messages of hope and restoration, ultimately pointing forward to the coming of Jesus Christ.

Chapter Divisions in the Bible

The chapter divisions in the Bible play a crucial role in organizing and navigating through the text. However, they were not originally part of the biblical manuscripts. These divisions were added later as part of the paratext of the Bible.

The familiar divisions into chapters and verses that we use today began to be adopted in the 13th century. The division into chapters is credited to the work of Cardinal archbishop Stephen Langton, while the division into verses is attributed to Cardinal Hugo de Sancto Caro. These chapter divisions have become almost universal in modern editions of the Bible, allowing for easier reference and study.

History of Chapter Divisions in the Bible

Before the standardization of chapter divisions, the Bible was divided into sections known as pericopes, which were determined by the natural flow of the text and its content. These pericopes were often arranged in continuous blocks of text, making it challenging to locate specific passages or verses.

The introduction of chapter divisions brought about a significant change in how the Bible was studied and referenced. These divisions made it easier for scholars, theologians, and readers alike to locate and study specific portions of the text, facilitating a more systematic approach to understanding the Bible’s teachings.


To conclude, the Bible encompasses chapters of varying lengths, and the longest chapter in both verses and words is Psalm 119. This special chapter, consisting of 176 verses and approximately 2,445 words, highlights the significance and value of God’s Word. It stands out as an acrostic poem using the Hebrew alphabet, with each section consisting of 8 verses beginning with the same letter.

Additionally, other notable long chapters in the Bible include 1 Kings 8, Numbers 7, Deuteronomy 28, and Leviticus 13. In the New Testament, Matthew 26 holds the record for the longest chapter by word count, while Luke 1 has the highest number of verses. These chapters, along with Psalm 119, provide readers with a wealth of teachings and stories to explore.

The chapter divisions in the Bible, although not present in the original texts, were added later for easier reference and study. They were established in the 13th century and have become universal in modern editions. These divisions have facilitated the navigation and understanding of the Bible, allowing readers to delve into its rich content.

Overall, the Bible is an invaluable source of guidance, wisdom, and inspiration for believers. Its chapters, including the longest in Psalm 119, showcase the importance of God’s Word in the lives of individuals and communities throughout history.


What is the longest chapter in the Bible?

The longest chapter in the Bible is Psalm 119.

How long is Psalm 119?

Psalm 119 consists of 176 verses and approximately 2,445 words.

Is Psalm 119 an acrostic poem?

Yes, Psalm 119 is an acrostic poem using the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.

How is Psalm 119 divided?

Psalm 119 is divided into 22 sections, with each section representing a letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

What is the second longest chapter in the Bible?

The second longest chapter in the Bible is 1 Kings 8.

Which chapter is the longest in the New Testament?

The longest chapter in the New Testament is Matthew 26.

Why is Psalm 119 significant?

Psalm 119 emphasizes the importance and value of God’s Word.

Are there any other notable chapters in the Bible?

Yes, there are several notable chapters in the Bible, including Psalms 118, Esther, Matthew, and Isaiah.

How did chapter divisions in the Bible come about?

Chapter divisions in the Bible were added later as part of the paratext of the Bible, with the familiar divisions into chapters and verses being adopted in the 13th century.

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